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Stories of Our Neighbours at Wikipedia?

As part of our ongoing partnership with Post Bellum, we spent today with the regional coordinators of the Stories of Our Neighbours programme, who learned how to create and edit passwords on Wikipedia and look for ways to support students in the project in this activity in the future.

Školení proběhlo jak jinak, než online v rozhraní ZOOM a v hlavním prostoru Wikipedie.

As it is lately usual for us, the training took place online at the ZOOM platform and in the main space of Wikipedia.

Stories of Our Neighbours is an educational project of Post Bellum’s for pupils ranging from the ages of 13-15 years old. Under the supervision of their teachers and with the support of coordinator, they are to interview a witness, record their life story, digitise photographs, scour archives, and ultimately create a radio, television, or written news report.

There will also be a new option to turn the story into a new article on Wikipedia after evaluating the encyclopaedic significance of the witness or some related event or period phenomenon to that person.

You will be able to follow future contributions though the Dashboard of that particular project.


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