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We would like to invite you to the alumni meeting of the senior wikipedia courses

The Wikipedia journey should never end with the last class of a Wikipedia course, it should continue.
But Wikipedia is more than just editing and taking pictures. Wikipedia is also about people, about our community.

So we would like to invite you to a reunion of the graduates of our senior courses on Tuesday, November 15, 2022.

We would be very pleased if you would accept our invitation to this meeting.
You can register here.

Schedule of the event:
13:15 – meeting in front of the National Museum
13:30 – guided walk through Prague with Anatol Svahilec focused on the WikiProject Czechoslovakia 1948-1989
15:30 – arrival at the café in the premises of the organization Život 90 (Karoliny Světlé 286/18)
18:00 – end of the event

ATTENTION: The number of participants is limited, so do not hesitate with your application.

Photo by Josef Šrámek Jr., CC-BY-SA-4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.


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